Qwotter changelog


Hello curious! This is a list of the stuff I’m working on. Although it’s primarily for internal organization, feel free to take a look and see how things are going so far.


0.11.0.alpha (2024-03-19)

✨ Toggle between graph and traditional explorer view


TypeModule      Description
featwebappnew view to read, edit and explore notes
featwebapptopbar create note option
featwebapptopbar graph view toggle
featwebappupdate theme style
fixwebappcorrect hover highlight sometimes getting stuck
featwebsitenew simplified logo
featwebsitesimplified FAQ answers


v0.10.0-alpha (2024-03-16)

✨ Introducing new cool hover effect: try hovering over the graph nodes and see the magic. ✨ Sharable links: Select a node, then copy the URL and paste it in a new tab to see it in action.


TypeModule      Description
featwebappmake non hovered elements translucent
featwebapphighlight related navitem on graph node hover
featwebappselect sidebar elements from url params
featwebappopen sidebar selected ancestors if initialized from url params
featwebappshow node modal parent direct children only (it was recursive children before)
featwebappupdate node modal overlay style
featwebappincrease contrast on nav item selection
featwebsiteupdate footer style


v0.9.0-alpha (2024-03-14)

✨ A website FAQ section: now you can find answers to the most common questions. 🎨 Improved dark theme 🚀 Corrected a delay on note typing


TypeModule      Description
featwebsitecreate a FAQ section
featwebsitecollapse all other faqs on expand
perfwebappfast pre-update on note typing
featwebappupdate styling theme
featwebappupdate note editor background and height
featwebappopen fullscreen note modal on mobile
featwebappupdate editor placeholder
fixwebappcorrect first node not attached to root
fixwebapphighlights were not updating on changes


v0.8.1-alpha (2024-03-09)

🐛 A few corrections

TypeModule      Description
fixwebappcorrect error after hitting “add sample data” more than once
fixwebappcorrect in-graph note name after creation
fixwebappcorrect scroll to bottom error on nav item creation
fixwebappcorrect highlights going crazy after edition and page refresh
fixwebappshow home highlights in home view
fixwebappshow root graph node


v0.8.0-alpha (2024-03-09)

✨ Introducing In-graph dialog navigator: Now you can navigate through notes and highlights directly from the graph view.
✨ Introducing In-graph Highlight Popup: Now you can see the highlight content on the graph view.
✨ Introducing navbar hover highlights: Now you can see the graph nodes highlight on navbar hover.
✨ Introducing new logo
🎨 Nodes graph focus: Topbar was moved to the right and right panel was removed
🚀 Big performance improvements

TypeModule      Description
featwebsitenew logo
featwebappin-graph note popup navigator
featwebappshow recursive nav item parents in yellow and sibling in lighter white
featwebapppersist zoom level over navigation changes
featwebapphighlight graph nodes children on navbar hover
featwebappdifferentiate selected nav item parent collection with a lighter background
featwebappcollapse subjects
featwebappshow highlight popup on graph node hover
perfwebappmigrate from immutable Redux to observable Mobx
perfwebappoptimize navigation and simplify routing paths
perfwebappoptimize the way graph nodes show up on navigation changes
fixwebappcorrect quick note popup crash on author change
revertwebappremove reading mode
revertwebappremove resizable panels
revertwebappremove right panel (use in-graph highlight popup and note modal instead)


v0.7.0-alpha (2024-02-26)

✨ Introducing bold: try select and bold some text 🔨 Minor improvements

TypeModule      Description
featwebappallow user to bold selected text
featwebapptemporarly hide topbar quick note


v0.6.1-alpha (2024-02-25)

📄 Add legal information

TypeModule      Description
featwebsiteinclude terms of service link
featwebsiteinlcude privacy policy link


v0.6.0-alpha (2024-02-24)

✨ Introducing Highlight Popover: Now you can see the highlight content on the graph view.

TypeModule      Description
featwebappshow version on the right-bottom corner
featwebappshow popover highlight content on graph node click
revertwebapptemporarily hide reading mode


v0.5.0-alpha (2024-02-21)

✨ Introducing Knowledge Graph Highlight Nodes: Now the node tree graph view includes nodes for highlights.

TypeModule      Description
featwebappcreate knowledge graph highlight nodes
featwebsitesend date on join waitlist form


v0.4.0-alpha (2024-02-19)

✨ Introducing Super Highlights: differentiate important highlights from the rest.
✨ Introducing hihghlight list view: quickly navigate through highlights.
✨ Introducing navigation buttons: go back, next, into and go back to highlight list view.
✨ Introducing horizontal rule: separate content with a horizontal line by typing ---.

TypeModule      Description
featwebappshow a recursive list of highlights if no note but a subject is selected
featwebappnew navigation buttons (menu, prev, next, go into)
featwebappsuper highlight notes
featwebappnew highlight icon
featwebapp’super highlights only’ toggle
featwebappadd editor horizontal rule


v0.3.0-alpha (2024-02-17)

🔨 Minor improvements

TypeModule      Description
featwebapprevert select and navigate on note sidebar creation
featwebapphide note panel content if no note is selected
featwebappdisable prev button if no prev note exists
fixwebappcorrect subject and note name not showing up on graph view after creation
refactorwebappadd missing aria labels
teste2einitialize project
teste2einclude sidebar tests


v0.2.0-alpha (2024-02-15)


Reading mode

✨ Introducing Reading Mode: a new and more linear way to navigate through your notes and highlights.

TypeModule      Description
featwebappnavigate note on highlights slide change
featwebappslide carousel to selected mark
featwebappslide from sidebar item selection


Quick note popup

✨ Create quick notes from topbar

TypeModule      Description
featwebappadd quick note autofocus
featwebappavoid closing button focus when navigating form with tab
featwebappmanage collections from select (create and select new path)
featwebappadd title and author to the quick note form
featwebappcreate quick note


View/edit Note

✨ Select text to highlight and fill reading mode slides

TypeModule      Description
featwebappadd text editor with highlight feature
featwebappadd slide author
featwebappadd a slide progress bar


🔨 Minor improvements

TypeModule      Description
featwebappalways show sidebar expander if has children, show on hover if not
featwebappshow collapse button only if have children
featwebappyellow highlight selected note ancestor nav items
featwebappwhite highlight selected note children nav items
featwebappdon’t open nav item on select unless it is selected from url shared link
featwebappcreate, rename and delete subjects


Knowledge graph

🔨 Minor improvements

TypeModule      Description
featwebapphighlight selected note graph node
featwebappupscale selected mark font
featwebappdiscolor group notes from home
featwebappuse part of the note content as title if there’s no one
featwebappreduce default zoom level to 80%
featwebappshow top level notes without a connection line
perfwebappupdate graph on note creation but avoid it on note changes



🔨 Minor improvements

TypeModule      Description
featwebappupdate topbar border color to differentiate it in dark backgrounds
featwebappadd page loading emoji
featwebapphide lateral bars on mobile
featwebappadjust panels size


v0.1.0-alpha (2024-01-30)

🚀 Alpha release